Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are there any cat names meaning scared, skittish, or something similar?

There are 3 stray kittens at my house that I'm thinking of taking in and they all have names but one, it's a small gray cat with spotted markings and it won't let people get anywhere near it, so I wanted to give it a name meaning something like scared, skittish, afraid, etc.

but I can't seem to find any names with those meanings, if you know of any cat names with those, or similar, meanings I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out

thanks in advanceAre there any cat names meaning scared, skittish, or something similar?
we named out one cat Boo because he is scared of like anything! but not if someone goes BOO!!! he will walk towards u, not run away :P
What about Skittles? (like skittish but cutesy. his name can be a combination of "skittish" and "little" (since he's still a kitten). Yes, I like SKITTLES!!!

OH! and a combination of KITTY!Are there any cat names meaning scared, skittish, or something similar?
SpookAre there any cat names meaning scared, skittish, or something similar?
scaredy cat HAHAHHA get it.....oh man...that was lame....

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