Friday, January 27, 2012

Why does my boyfriend call me mean names?

He has called me crack-head, ******, dildo, etc... I called him out on it a couple weeks ago and told him how it was hurtful. He apologized and told me that he didn't mean to hurt me. "I call everybody ******. It's a term of endearment." Then we laughed at the absurdity of that last statement. However, he keeps calling me names - and I point it out nearly every time now. Is it just a habit that he's having a hard time breaking or is this something I should be worried about?Why does my boyfriend call me mean names?
Sounds Like A Fxcking Douchebag .
Respect yourself and leave!!!Why does my boyfriend call me mean names?
Because he is an asshole. Leave him.Why does my boyfriend call me mean names?
Leave the bum. Be worried, be very worried. You should have more self-respect than to allow that. There are a ton of guys out there who will treat you right and not call you names. It starts out as name calling then can go on to hitting you. Oh he will apologize, just like he is doing now and promise to never do it again until it happens the next time. Right now it is words.... what is next?
Don't respond when he does..dont say anything..until he says your name.. he will learn.
Well, if you don't like something about it!?????
He probably has a hard time with the idea of being corrected by someone on such a simple thing. I bet he feels stupid, and is trying to fix it in his own crazy way that obviously doesn't work. Slap him up side his silly head, and tell him if he does it again there will be serious consequences.. Then give him a cookie, and say good boy.
Maybe he's just flirting. Or this could mean he's trying to make you annoyed and you would get mad at him and not like him anymore, so he could dump you without being all sad and crying. If you dont think those are not exactly the right answer, just start playing along or be super nice to him and he would stop calling you names so you wouldn't be worried about this stuff.

Your Welcome With The Answer!
The guy is a jackass I should be worried only if you hang around and listen to it.
Every time he call you names and make you upset, remind him and let him know. Don't aloud him to call you name. Ask him how would you like if I call you those names. I don't know about you but I would not put up with that. He better learn how to treat a lady.
I think it's funny when people get on other people's heads and say funny things about each other in a playful way..or not.but couples...Idk that's sensitive sometimes sooo yeah different for me.Even if their just playing. If he's not serious about what he's saying and he's just being playful and not verbally abusive, it's not that deep at all. What matters is the other person's feelings. If the other person feels offended then it's a problem. work it out. but if the both of yous find it amusing then I don't see the harm..But I can't stand when people don't listen to what gets on my nerves
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