Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can anyone give me uncommon japanese names?

Can anyone give me a list of japanese given names, meaning, and kanji for girls that are uncommon. This is asking alot, i know.

Please don't respond with yuki, sakura, or anything of the sort. i've already been to behind the name.|||Japanese go crazy with given names.

These are some that I found to be ridiculous (fyi they are real names):


振門体 (Furumontei) - full monty (nude)

美空 (Byuappuru) - written as "beautiful" + "sky"

星 (Appuru) - "star"

戦争 (Sensou) - literally "war" *a Taiwanese politician named his daughter "sensou" to guarantee a

win in the Pacific War.

潤愛, 珠心, 宙奈, 純愛, 寿凪, 需那, 朱夏, 珠渚 (Juna, Juna, Juna...)

遊女 (Yume) - "play" + "girl" * her parents wanted her to to be a healthy, playful girl...

桜杏來 (Sara) - IDK, quite frankly idk why it's even read as sara.

羽音 (Fuwari) - "wing" + "sound" *should be read as "Ha-ne"

青 (Shi) - blue (color)

梨杏 (Rin) - "fruit"+"fruit"

星華 (Kirari) - "star" + "flower"

光風 (Mika) - "light" + "wind"

海月, 美好, 夢姫, 満月希, 美姫, 自生 (Mizuki)

樹恵瑠 (Jueru or Jewel)

etc...|||Ameria - uncommon japanese name|||Why do you need that? And why don't you google it? lol…

This has some pretty cool names.
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